Scary Stats: Unveiling the Top 10 OSHA Violations of 2023

OSHA releases the list of the most frequently cited violations of 2023.

As Halloween arrives, there exists a different type of fear within the workplace—non-compliance with OSHA regulations. Ignoring these rules could lead to haunting consequences, from hefty fines to severe injuries. While ghosts and ghouls might be the epitome of October scares, OSHA violations can haunt a business year-round. To ensure that the only scary stories this season are in good fun, let’s delve into the top OSHA violations of 2023 that every organization should be vigilant about.

1. Fall Protection – General Requirements (1926.501) – 7,271 violations
Perhaps nothing sends a chill down the spine faster than the prospect of a dangerous fall. In 2023, violations related to fall protection continue to top OSHA’s list. To avert these risks, businesses must invest in fall arrest systems, guardrails, and other precautionary measures. Special attention should be given to providing adequate training on harnesses and other fall protection devices.

2. Hazard Communication (1910.1200) – 3,213 violations
Mishandling or improper labeling of hazardous substances can bring a truly ghastly result—poisoning, burns, or even explosions. Ensure that all hazardous chemicals are correctly labeled and that Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are readily accessible to all employees. Regular training sessions on hazard communication can effectively prevent violations in this category.

3. Ladders (1926.1053) – 2,978 violations
While not as intimidating as a haunted house’s staircase, faulty ladders can be just as perilous. Ladder-related violations typically include using ladders for unintended purposes, overloading, or using damaged ladders. Like warding off evil spirits, a little foresight and proper use can prevent a disaster.

4. Scaffolding (1926.451) – 2,859 violations
With 2,859 violations, ensuring scaffold safety is non-negotiable. Regular inspections by a qualified person can help you avoid the terrifying pitfalls of scaffolding mishaps.

5. Powered Industrial Trucks (1910.178) – 2,561 violations
Powered industrial trucks, such as forklifts, made #5 on the list with 2,561 violations. Ensuring that operators are well-trained and certified is imperative to avoiding accidents that can have a long-lasting impact.

6. Lockout/Tagout (1910.147) – 2,554 violations
Inadequate lockout/tagout procedures resulted in 2,554 violations and typically occur when machinery is not properly shut down or isolated during maintenance. Regular training can prevent this violation and avoid being added to your safety records.

7. Respiratory Protection (1910.134) – 2,481 violations
Ignoring respiratory protection received 2,481 violations which are often a result of inadequate protective equipment or poor training, putting employees at risk for long-term health issues.

8. Fall Protection – Training Requirements (1926.503) – 2,112 violations
While general fall protection is critical, its training counterpart—cited 2,112 times—also demands attention. Ensure that your staff is adequately trained to deal with fall-related scenarios to “banish” this particular workplace demon.

9. Personal Protective and Lifesaving Equipment – Eye and Face Protection (1926.102) – 2,074 violations
Failure to protect one’s eyes and face resulted in 2,074 violations. Ensuring that employees wear proper eye and face protection is vital to scaring off potentially life-altering injuries.

10. Machine Guarding (1910.212) – 1,644 violations
The 1,644 violations for machine guarding are a reminder that even static equipment can be perilous when not properly secured. Machine guards act as protective barriers and can help avoid injuries.

As we embrace the chills and thrills of Halloween, let’s not forget the chilling risks of OSHA non-compliance. A proactive approach to addressing these top violations can make your workplace a safe haven, free from the scary aftermath of regulatory repercussions. Keep the haunts confined to Halloween festivities, and make workplace safety a year-round commitment.